The End.

Well this is it. My final blog post required for EDC3100. In all honesty, I have found it all a bit tedious, especially when struggling to find something to talk about. During this experience I am happy to say that I have followed some blogs outside of the course and have referred to them for inspiration constantly. As for me personally, I am not sure that I will be continuing to post.

This course has however, opened my eyes to creating and developing personal networking systems that I will most definitely continue to refer to during the rest of my uni experience and all the way through my professional career.

Of course I couldn’t possible leave without noting how much I have actually learned about ICTs. I came into this course considering myself relatively ICT savvy only to discover that there were many concepts of ICT that I knew very little about. I can now confidently say that while I still have so much to learn about ICT such as integrating technologies into lessons to make to purposeful, enhancing and transforming for both teacher and students, after all, learning is an endless phenomenon; I am more digitally advanced than I was 3 months ago.

Wish you all the best of luck for your future endeavours!

Signing out,


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